Dust reporting tool goes online
The EPA has letterbox dropped residents in Hallett Cove and Lonsdale, to encourage the reporting of dust incidents at the time of their occurrence. Dust incidents can be reported using our new online dust reporting tool, or by requesting a hard copy form to complete and fill out.
Community input is a vital component of this study. To make a report, please record everything that you can remember about the event including: date and time, the exact location, and other observations such as weather conditions. Where possible, photographic and video evidence can be provided and are valuable especially from different angles. Please ensure date and times are accurate on your device. This information will complement proactive site visits by EPA staff, and the information provided by the live data being produced by community based dust monitors installed on 15 August 2019.
The next community workshop will be held on Wednesday 11 December 2019, and existing and new members are welcome to attend (further information to come). A ‘HOW TO’ GUIDE, and all previous community updates and workshop presentations is available from our 'Document Library'.
Consultation has concluded