Dust study update & Cleanaway application
Recent dust sightings
The EPA continues to monitor the data from our dust monitors and anemometres, and thanks to a heads up from some community members was able to do an unannounced inspection of the work being undertaken on the Meyer Road bridge. On 26 March 2020 dust was observed coming from activities that could have been suppressed if dust control measures were in place. We informed the Principal Environmental Advisor at the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, who advised he would follow this up with the workers involved. Please do continue to keep us informed.
Cleanaway application to add an activity to it's licence
Cleanaway on Liston Rd Lonsdale has applied to add 'waste reprocessing' to its EPA licence #50318, to allow it to crush and sort the inert construction and demolition material it already receives. In 2000 this site was approved to receive and crush concrete as part of the development approval, but when Cleanaway took over the site this wasn't transferred to the licence.
As part of this process, Cleanaway is updating its Environment Management Plan to cover aspects such as dust. If approval is granted they will also be required by licence condition to produce and have approved a Recovered Products Plan. This will include the methodology, testing, and environmental controls for material produced specifically relating to this process. Compliance can then strictly be in accordance with an approved method for crushing and sorting.
Green and organic waste processing is currently the main activity at this site, so it is likely that crushing of concrete would be infrequent. If you have any questions, or would like to make a submission to be taken into consideration, please don't hesitate to contact us on 08 8204 2004 or email engage.epa@sa.gov.au. Formal submissions closed 5pm Tuesday, 12 May 2020.
Consultation has concluded