Community intelligence a vital component of this study

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has been regularly monitoring meteorological conditions and proactively visiting Lonsdale and Hallett Cove to conduct visual inspections.
Recent dates include 11 December 2019, 14 January, 16 January, 4 February and 27 February 2020. These visits were based on predicted weather conditions and a possibility of dust lift-off from the ResourceCo site. On each occasion, although the conditions were conducive to dust generation there was no observed dust lift-off. Drag out on Meyer Road was also checked on these dates. We are also remotely monitoring the data on a daily basis.
We will be holding another community working group when we have more information to provide you about the study, and will include a presentation on the recent bushfires and the impact on air quality.
If you witness a dust coming in the area please drop a pin using the 'make an online dust report' mapping tool on this site, email us the details at or please call us on 08 8204 2004 either during or after hours.
Consultation has concluded