Dredge trial operations complete
The operational phase of the dredge trial ended on 30 November 2024, with approximately 55,000 m3 of dredged sand placed in the nearshore placement areas at West Beach since the trial began on 3 October.
Turbidity was continuously monitored at six sites during the trial, with levels throughout operations remaining similar to background levels recorded before the trial. The Dredge Management Plan (DMP) for the trial included strict turbidity thresholds called alarm and hold triggers to help mitigate any long-term impacts of elevated turbidity to seagrass. The turbidity thresholds were not reached during the trial.
A seagrass survey was conducted in August 2024 to establish a baseline of the health and extent of nearby seagrass meadows before dredging operations commenced. To understand the potential impacts and inform assessment of the technical and environmental feasibility of dredging to reduce coastal erosion at West Beach, further seagrass surveys will be conducted approximately one month and 12 months post-dredging.
The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) will prepare an evaluation report on the outcomes of the trial, taking into account environmental, operational, economic and social factors.
The operational phase of the dredge trial ended on 30 November 2024.