Guidance for managing PFAS in SA

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS, are manufactured chemicals that have been used in a range of industrial and consumer products since the 1950s. PFAS are of concern around the world because they do not naturally degrade, can bioaccumulate in our food and can travel long distances through groundwater.

Australia’s Environment Ministers endorsed the country’s first PFAS National Environmental Management Plan (NEMP) in January 2018. The plan provides governments with a consistent, practical, risk-based framework for the environmental regulation of PFAS-contaminated materials and sites. The PFAS NEMP 3.0 was agreed to by the Heads of EPAs and released on 23 September 2022 for public consultation.

The plan provides valuable guidance around storage, reuse and disposal of contaminated material to facilitate proactive decision-making for the management of sites impacted by PFAS. The South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has developed the following two guidelines consistent with the NEMP:

The EPA has also undertaken further work regarding the broader policy and operational management of PFAS-contaminated waste in South Australia, including the development of draft site selection criteria that outlines how waste soils containing PFAS can be safely disposed. From 1 February to 1 March 2023 the EPA commenced a targeted industry consultation on two draft guidelines for managing PFAS in SA – the Draft Reuse Guideline and the Draft Siting Guideline. These guidelines represent the further work undertaken by the EPA regarding the policy and operational management of PFAS-contaminated waste soil in South Australia.

For information on the consultation please contact:

  • Phone: (08) 8124 4216
  • Email

Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS, are manufactured chemicals that have been used in a range of industrial and consumer products since the 1950s. PFAS are of concern around the world because they do not naturally degrade, can bioaccumulate in our food and can travel long distances through groundwater.

Australia’s Environment Ministers endorsed the country’s first PFAS National Environmental Management Plan (NEMP) in January 2018. The plan provides governments with a consistent, practical, risk-based framework for the environmental regulation of PFAS-contaminated materials and sites. The PFAS NEMP 3.0 was agreed to by the Heads of EPAs and released on 23 September 2022 for public consultation.

The plan provides valuable guidance around storage, reuse and disposal of contaminated material to facilitate proactive decision-making for the management of sites impacted by PFAS. The South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has developed the following two guidelines consistent with the NEMP:

The EPA has also undertaken further work regarding the broader policy and operational management of PFAS-contaminated waste in South Australia, including the development of draft site selection criteria that outlines how waste soils containing PFAS can be safely disposed. From 1 February to 1 March 2023 the EPA commenced a targeted industry consultation on two draft guidelines for managing PFAS in SA – the Draft Reuse Guideline and the Draft Siting Guideline. These guidelines represent the further work undertaken by the EPA regarding the policy and operational management of PFAS-contaminated waste soil in South Australia.

For information on the consultation please contact:

  • Phone: (08) 8124 4216
  • Email
  • EPA releases interim reuse guidance

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    The EPA has today issued the draft PFAS in waste soils guideline as the PFAS in waste soils interim guideline, after a targeted industry consultation. This guideline may be used until the Environment Protection Regulations 2009 have been updated to address PFAS.

    A consultation report, including changes made to the guideline and responses to submissions, will be released in the coming weeks. The Draft PFAS-contaminated waste disposal site suitability guideline will go out for community consultation before being finalised. Any proposals will be assessed on a site-specific basis with reference to the draft guidelines until then.

    Please click here to view the PFAS in waste soils interim guideline.

    For further information, please:

    Ph: (08) 8124 4216


  • PFAS-contaminated waste disposal site suitability

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    The EPA has prepared a draft PFAS-contaminated waste disposal site suitability guideline to assist with assessing development applications or Environment Protection Act 1993 licence applications involving controlled permanent disposal of PFAS-contaminated waste in South Australia, and to provide guidance to landfill proponents.

    A suitable disposal site for PFAS-contaminated waste must have long-term stability and attributes that will enable wastes to be contained so that there is no unacceptable risk to people or the environment, both during operation and after site closure.

    Please click here to download the draft guideline. To provide your feedback, including specific implications for you, your business, or your sector:

    An online information session will be held from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM on 16 February 2023 for you to learn more about the guideline and speak with us. To register please phone or email us using the details above. If this time is not suitable please contact us to make alternate arrangements.

    This consultation is open from 1 February 2023 until 1 March 2023.

    *Cleanaway currently has an application to have PFAS added to the list of wastes that it is currently licensed to receive at its Inkerman landfill. This application is open for public consultation until 28 February 2023. Please click here for further information.

  • PFAS in waste soils

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    The EPA is continuing to develop a series of guidelines to supplement the principles endorsed under the PFAS National Environment Management Plan (NEMP) in a manner that is consistent with South Australia’s established guidelines and standards.

    The Draft PFAS in waste soils guideline is formulated to outline the EPA’s position on the reuse of waste soils containing PFAS. It takes a precautionary approach to managing waste soils containing PFAS while still promoting the waste management hierarchy and encouraging the reuse of materials in a circular economy.

    The guideline sets out when waste soils must be tested for PFAS, how this should occur, and provides criteria for two waste soil classifications – waste fill and intermediate waste soil. Both classifications could be reused in accordance with existing standards.

    This guideline provides the environmental regulatory context referred to in the soil reuse section of the PFAS NEMP (section 12) and should be read and implemented in accordance with the PFAS NEMP and with the Standard for the production and use of waste derived fill.

    Please click here to download the draft guideline. To provide your feedback, including specific implications for you, your business, or your sector, please:

    An online information session will be held from 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM on 14 February 2023 for you to learn more about the guideline and speak with us. To register please phone or email us using the details above. If this time is not suitable please contact us to make alternate arrangements.

    This consultation is open from 1 February 2023 until 1 March 2023.

Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 11:44 AM