The assessment process
The Environment Protection Act 1993 (EP Act) lists a range of criteria that the EPA must consider when determining whether to grant or refuse a licence application, as well as any conditions of the licence. The relevant criteria for Hale River’s licence application included:
- The objects of the EP Act, which include promoting the principles of ecologically sustainable development and applying a precautionary approach to the assessment of risk of environmental harm.
- The general environmental duty on all persons undertaking an activity that may pollute the environment to take all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise any resulting environmental harm.
- Relevant environment protection policies, including the Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016 and the Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2015.
- The waste strategy for the State outlined in ‘Supporting the Circular Economy: South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2020-2025’.
- The development approval history for a cattle feedlot at the site.
- Written submissions made to the EPA, as well as Hale River’s responses to those submissions.
- Whether the application was duly made.
- Whether Hale River is a suitable person or company to hold an environmental authorisation.
The EPA consulted with the local community living near the site across several years to understand their concerns and has engaged with the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council and relevant state government agencies.
The key community concerns relating to environmental aspects of the proposal include:
- odour
- dust
- soil and water contamination
- noise from the feedlot
- pests and vermin
- solid waste management.
The EPA examined these key environmental concerns with consideration for the siting and design of the feedlot through an extensive environmental assessment. The EPA’s assessment found that the identified environmental impacts can be mitigated by the management strategies proposed by Hale River and the EPA's regulation and enforcement of licence conditions.

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