Formal submission period to commence

Community engagement on Cleanaway's application to receive PFAS contaminated waste commenced in August 2020, when Cleanaway notified the Inkerman Landfill Community Reference Group and other key stakeholders that it was planning on making this application to the EPA.
With all licence applications or significant changes the EPA must, in accordance with the Environment Protection Act 1993, consult with the surrounding neighbours for a period of not less than 14 days. The EPA is undertaking a three month consultation from 30 November 2022 to 28 February 2023.
This statutory consultation involves inviting adjacent landowners to make a submission for consideration during the technical assessment period. The EPA is extending the consultation to include anyone with an interest in the project, and invites people to submit their submission via:
Environment Protection Authority
Attention: Principal Adviser Community Engagement
GPO Box 2607
Adelaide SA 5001
If you have any queries about the formal submission process, please call the Principal Adviser Community Engagement directly on
(08) 8124 4216 during business hours.
In person:
At the community information session, Thursday 9 February drop in anytime from 12-6pm at the Port Wakefield Golf Club. Please call the number above to RSVP. If this time is not suitable, please let us know and we will arrange to speak with you at a mutually convenient time during the consultation period.
Consultation has concluded