Community working group meeting, 23 May 2022

The latest Marino Dust Study community working group meeting, held at Marino Rocks Cafe on 23 May was attended by a number of community members, as well as staff from EPA, SA Health, Department for Energy and Mining, South Australia and Boral.
The EPA’s lead air quality scientist Dr Pushan Shah presented the latest air quality monitoring results from the dust study.
Following the presentation EPA, SA Health, DEM and Boral staff participated in a Q&A session answering community members questions on a range of subjects including; how the data is interpreted, monitoring equipment capabilities, health impacts, current mitigation and management actions undertaken by Boral, recent legislative changes by DEM and compliance management by the EPA.
The EPA is working with the lead regulator, the Department for Energy & Mining, to review Linwood’s current dust control strategy against their approvals for the site. This review will also identify possible improvements that Boral can make to better manage dust from the site.
Consultation has concluded. The EPA continues to support the Department for Energy and Mining in its regulation of Boral on activities within the EPA licence.