Stockpiled waste on the move from Beverley to Gillman

Since the discovery of non-friable asbestos in the material stockpiled by Old Red Brick Co at the Beverley site in December 2021, the EPA has been working with the company towards developing a plan to remove the stockpiled material from the site.
- In late December 2021, Old Red Brick Co appointed environmental consultant LBW Co to classify the stockpiled material and produce a detailed Stockpile Remediation Plan (the Plan).
- The EPA has agreed on the Plan, which includes dust management, noise management and engagement with the Beverley community.
- The Plan outlines how Old Red Brick Co will transport all of the stockpiled waste at Beverley to their site in Gillman for remediation.
- Air monitoring for asbestos will be in place when material known to contain non-friable asbestos is being loaded and removed from the site.
- The Environment Protection Orders will remain in place until the material containing asbestos has been removed, with the anticipated completion date being 30 June 2022.
- Works commenced on 21 March 2022, starting with the loading and transport of material that does not contain asbestos.
- Works to remove asbestos containing material commenced on 26 March 2022.
- The EPA will continue to monitor the site and undertake regular inspections for compliance.
Consultation has concluded