Update on stockpiled waste and asbestos

On 13 December 2021 the EPA sent an independent environmental consultant to inspect and sample the stockpiled material on Lot 2021 McLean Street, Beverley as well as 167–169 and 171 William Street in the same suburb.
Analysis at an accredited laboratory determined that 11 of the samples contained non-friable or bonded asbestos. All were chrysotile fibres, commonly known as white asbestos.
The EPA directed the company on 14 December 2021 to apply a dust suppressant and sealant to the stockpiles by the end of the day.
The EPA engaged an environmental consultant to provide independent air monitoring and the results concluded that no airborne asbestos fibres were detectable during the monitoring period.
On 22 December 2021, the EPA issued another EPO (40137) for the licensed site and directed Belington to cease moving the stockpiled waste, and to apply and maintain an appropriate sealing agent to the stockpiled waste to minimise dust nuisance. The licensed site may continue to receive and clean bricks in a designated area.
On 23 December 2021 an additional EPO (40136) was issued for the unlicensed site, directing Belington to apply and maintain an appropriate sealing agent to the stockpiled waste. This order required 3 actions:
- Cease receiving waste (including C&D waste) other than bricks which can only be deposited at a location on the site agreed by the EPA.
- Ensure the stockpiled waste containing asbestos materials is sealed.
- Engage a consultant to develop a plan to address the management and/removal of the asbestos contaminated waste.
Belington has appealed the orders and the matter will be heard before the Environment, Resources and Development Court.
In accordance with EPA requirements, further sampling of the stockpiles for testing purposes will be undertaken by an independent consultant. During this time there will only be minor disturbances of the stockpiled material in a specific and limited number of locations to collect samples. At this time dust management measures will be applied and air monitoring conducted. Once completed, an appropriate sealing agent will be reapplied and maintained on all stockpiles until a plan is formalised to safely manage the material and remove from the site.
An inspection was conducted by EPA Officers on 24 December 2021 which determined that the stockpiles were sealed and intact.
Consultation has concluded