West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area
Consultation has concluded
On 19 August 2020, the EPA was notified of test results in soil collected at the former Port Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant, and in groundwater monitoring bores offsite that are located in reserves and other public land. The results showed per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) above relevant guidelines.
The EPA has established a groundwater prohibition area (GPA) in parts of West Lakes and Royal Park. Community engagement on the proposal to establish a GPA was undertaken and closed on 6 November 2023.
The GPA was published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 14 December 2023. From this date, extracting shallow groundwater (bore water) from up to 13 metres below ground level will be prohibited.
Lake water, tap water and rainwater are not affected. For more information on the water quality in the lake and testing of the fish please visit West Lakes
If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, please contact us on:
- Ph: (08) 8429 7554
On 19 August 2020, the EPA was notified of test results in soil collected at the former Port Adelaide Wastewater Treatment Plant, and in groundwater monitoring bores offsite that are located in reserves and other public land. The results showed per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) above relevant guidelines.
The EPA has established a groundwater prohibition area (GPA) in parts of West Lakes and Royal Park. Community engagement on the proposal to establish a GPA was undertaken and closed on 6 November 2023.
The GPA was published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 14 December 2023. From this date, extracting shallow groundwater (bore water) from up to 13 metres below ground level will be prohibited.
Lake water, tap water and rainwater are not affected. For more information on the water quality in the lake and testing of the fish please visit West Lakes
If you have any feedback, questions or concerns, please contact us on:
- Ph: (08) 8429 7554
Establishing a groundwater prohibition area
The EPA will be establishing a groundwater prohibition area (GPA) in parts of West Lakes and Royal Park and would like to hear from residents and groundwater users in the area.
This follows the assessment of groundwater quality in the area and recommendations contained in site contamination audit reports.
If groundwater is affected or threatened by site contamination and action is needed to prevent actual or potential harm to human health or safety as a result of the taking of that water, the EPA has the ability under the Environment Protection Act 1993 to establish a GPA.
The EPA is prohibiting the taking of groundwater from the upper Quaternary aquifers 0−13 metres below the ground level.
Further information can be found in the determination report in the document library.
Bore water
In 2000, the Department of Human Services issued a public warning regarding the use of groundwater (bore water) in the West Lakes area. Residents in the West Lakes development area were advised that bore water should not be used for the growing of fruit or vegetables until further notice.
The EPA now advises residents that bore water in this area may be contaminated with PFAS and should continue to not be used for any purpose. Rainwater and mains water (tap water) are not affected.
Groundwater contamination - EPA assessment area
Results from the groundwater monitoring network have now been published and the report is available from the document library on this site. They show that groundwater (bore water) in parts of the EPA assessment area is contaminated with PFAS, arsenic and copper, and should not be used for any purpose. The EPA is planning to undertake additional assessment to further understand the extent of this contamination.
Further assessment is planned in 2021 and until the contamination is better understood it should not be used for any purpose. Not all properties have access to bore water. If you are unsure, please contact us to discuss.
This work is scheduled to take place in early 2021, and the EPA will write to residents again with further information. If you have any queries about the assessments at all, please do not hesitate to let us know.
At the conclusion of the groundwater assessment the EPA is likely to propose that a groundwater prohibition area should be established.
Latest groundwater work results
Based on the results of the November 2020 groundwater study, further work was required to determine how far the contamination extended in the West Lakes assessment area. This involved installing and sampling a groundwater monitoring well network.
Results once again confirmed that shallow groundwater is contaminated with poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and metals. The latest groundwater report can be found in the document library.
The next step is for the EPA to compile a determination report ahead of undertaking community consultation on the establishment of a groundwater prohibition area.
Your Language
Automatic translations are provided as a guide only. To speak with us using a live interpreter, please call the National Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450, and ask them to call us on 08 8757 9000.
Community updates and reports
South Australian Government Gazette, 14 December 2023 (233 KB) (pdf)
Letter to residents, December 2023
Groundwater prohibition area to be established, December 2023 (2.39 MB) (pdf)
Proposed GPA fact sheet, 7 September 2023 (1.18 MB) (pdf)
Proposed GPA letter to residents, 7 September 2023 (380 KB) (pdf)
Invitation - Community Information Session (112 KB) (pdf)
West Lakes & Royal Park determination report (2.94 MB) (pdf)
Invitation - Community Information Session (112 KB) (pdf)
Project Timeline
19 August 2020: EPA notified of PFAS contamination
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area has finished this stageOn 19 August 2020 the EPA was notified of per-and-poly fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater (bore water), soils and sewage sludge at or near the former Port Adelaide Waste Water Treatment Plant.
24 August 2020: EPA notifies community
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area has finished this stageThe EPA has written to the West Lakes community, and the 200 properties formerly affected by the cadmium contamination to advise that previous measures undertaken to protect residents from cadmium will also protect residents from PFAS.
October 2020: groundwater sampling
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area has finished this stageDuring September, groundwater monitoring well network reconnaissance was undertaken in preparation for groundwater sampling to take place in October.
February 2021: stage one groundwater assessment
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area has finished this stageWe have established a groundwater monitoring assessment area and are preparing to drill monitoring wells to determine the extent of the contaminated groundwater. It is likely that at the conclusion of this work, the EPA will propose that a groundwater prohibition area be implemented.
August 2021: Results of the groundwater works
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area has finished this stageResults from the groundwater monitoring have confirmed that shallow groundwater is contaminated with poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and metals. The EPA advises residents that groundwater (bore water) in the area should not be used for any purpose and reiterates that lake water, tap water and rainwater are not affected.
September 2023: Proposal to establish a groundwater prohibition area
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area has finished this stageThe EPA wrote to residents and landowners in parts of West Lakes and Royal Park about the proposal to establish a groundwater prohibition area. Consultation on the proposal will remain open until 6 November 2023.
December 2023: The EPA will update residents and landowners on the outcome of the consultation
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area has finished this stageThe EPA will write to residents and landowners regarding the outcome of the consultation on the proposal to establish a groundwater prohibition area.
December 2023: Gazettal
West Lakes and Royal Park groundwater prohibition area is currently at this stageThe EPA published a notice in the SA Government Gazette on 14 December 2023 advising that the groundwater prohibition area had been established.