Results of deposited dust samples - May 2024
The EPA collected deposited dust samples on 28 and 29 May from windowsills, door frames, and the tops of bins at 19 different locations around the Adbri Birkenhead facility. These samples were then analysed by a certified laboratory for mineralogical composition using semi-quantitative x-ray diffraction (XRD).
The XRD results highlighted calcite, hatrurite, and quartz as the three most abundant minerals present in these dust samples.
See below for a summary of the results or download the full report:
Calcite (CaCO3, a major component of cement) generally decreased with increasing distance from the Adbri facility. The amount (weight %) of calcite in the samples collected ranged from 10% to 52%.
Amount of calcite by address – the blue circles are proportional to the % calcite component.
Hatrurite (Ca3SiO5, an important phase in cement clinker) also generally decreased or was not detected with increasing distance from the Adbri facility. The amount of hatrurite in the samples ranged from 2% to 30% and was not detected in five samples (green circles).

Quartz (SiO2, the most common mineral on earth and a major component of normal dust) generally increased with increasing distance from the Adbri facility. This indicates more natural/normal dust moving away from the Adbri facility. The amount of quartz in the samples ranged from 16% to 71%.