Beverley and Woodville South vapour intrusion testing
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has been assessing groundwater and soil vapour in Beverley and Woodville South since 2015 associated with historically used chemicals including trichloroethene (TCE). This area has a proud manufacturing history however past chemical handling practices have contaminated the groundwater and vapour in the soil.
Vapour Intrusion can occur when particular contamination in groundwater, such as TCE, can move up through the soils and enter buildings. Even at low concentrations (which the human nose cannot smell) there may be a long-term health risk.
The EPA has led testing at a number of private properties within Beverley and Woodville South that qualify for the EPA funded work. This has included testing indoor air to assess for vapour intrusion. To date this EPA testing has focused on properties with a higher risk of vapour intrusion.
As of January 2024, the EPA is making vapour intrusion testing available to owners of properties that qualify within moderate and low vapour intrusion risk areas.
If you have been approached by the EPA regarding vapour intrusion testing, please refer to your letter for further information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to use the Q&A tool below, or contact EPA on (08) 8429 7554 or email
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has been assessing groundwater and soil vapour in Beverley and Woodville South since 2015 associated with historically used chemicals including trichloroethene (TCE). This area has a proud manufacturing history however past chemical handling practices have contaminated the groundwater and vapour in the soil.
Vapour Intrusion can occur when particular contamination in groundwater, such as TCE, can move up through the soils and enter buildings. Even at low concentrations (which the human nose cannot smell) there may be a long-term health risk.
The EPA has led testing at a number of private properties within Beverley and Woodville South that qualify for the EPA funded work. This has included testing indoor air to assess for vapour intrusion. To date this EPA testing has focused on properties with a higher risk of vapour intrusion.
As of January 2024, the EPA is making vapour intrusion testing available to owners of properties that qualify within moderate and low vapour intrusion risk areas.
If you have been approached by the EPA regarding vapour intrusion testing, please refer to your letter for further information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to use the Q&A tool below, or contact EPA on (08) 8429 7554 or email
Automatic translations are provided as a guide only. To speak with us using a live interpreter, please call the National Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450, and ask them to call us on 08 8757 9000.
What is Vapour Intrusion?
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What is Vapour Intrusion?
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