Beverley and surrounding areas Groundwater Prohibition Area (Stages 1 and 2)

Consultation has concluded

The EPA first wrote to residents and landowners on 26 July 2022, advising that it proposed to establish a Groundwater Prohibition Area (GPA) in portions of Beverley, Woodville, Woodville South, Woodville West, Woodville Park, West Croydon, Kilkenny, Findon and Seaton.

Following a 90-day community consultation, the EPA wrote to residents and landowners on 22 November 2022 to inform them that it would be proceeding with the establishment of the proposed GPA.

The EPA was subsequently advised by several residents in a portion of Seaton that the initial 26 July 2022 correspondence had not been received.

In order to ensure appropriate engagement with the community and to communicate the known risks associated with the groundwater contamination in the area, the EPA separated the GPA into two stages. Stage 1 of the GPA, comprising portions of Beverley, Woodville, Woodville South, Woodville West, Woodville Park, West Croydon, Kilkenny and Findon, was declared on 8 December 2022. Stage 2 of the GPA, including a portion of Seaton will be declared on 16 March 2023.

Please refer to the interactive map below for more information.

Stage 1 GPA declared on 8 December 2022

A notice was published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 8 December 2022 which prohibits the use of the shallow aquifers less than 45 m below ground level within the identified portions of Beverley, Woodville, Woodville South, Woodville West, Woodville Park, West Croydon, Kilkenny and Findon.

The gazetted Stage 1 GPA comprises areas of two EPA Assessments and four site contamination audit reports (please see the GPA determination report for more information) where the auditors have either recommended a GPA or conditioned/recommended that groundwater is not to be extracted for any purpose. Copies of past reports, letters and community updates related to these investigations undertaken within the GPA area and previously provided to the community are available from Beverley and Woodville South assessment and Woodville Port Road assessment.

Stage 2 GPA - continued engagement from 29 November 2022 – end of January 2023

The EPA continued to engage with residents and landowners within the Stage 2 area comprising a portion of Seaton. Following this further engagement, the EPA wrote to residents and landowners within the Stage 2 area to advise that it will be proceeding with establishment of the Stage 2 GPA.

Information on other nearby GPAs and in the vicinity is also available from the EPA website.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

The EPA first wrote to residents and landowners on 26 July 2022, advising that it proposed to establish a Groundwater Prohibition Area (GPA) in portions of Beverley, Woodville, Woodville South, Woodville West, Woodville Park, West Croydon, Kilkenny, Findon and Seaton.

Following a 90-day community consultation, the EPA wrote to residents and landowners on 22 November 2022 to inform them that it would be proceeding with the establishment of the proposed GPA.

The EPA was subsequently advised by several residents in a portion of Seaton that the initial 26 July 2022 correspondence had not been received.

In order to ensure appropriate engagement with the community and to communicate the known risks associated with the groundwater contamination in the area, the EPA separated the GPA into two stages. Stage 1 of the GPA, comprising portions of Beverley, Woodville, Woodville South, Woodville West, Woodville Park, West Croydon, Kilkenny and Findon, was declared on 8 December 2022. Stage 2 of the GPA, including a portion of Seaton will be declared on 16 March 2023.

Please refer to the interactive map below for more information.

Stage 1 GPA declared on 8 December 2022

A notice was published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 8 December 2022 which prohibits the use of the shallow aquifers less than 45 m below ground level within the identified portions of Beverley, Woodville, Woodville South, Woodville West, Woodville Park, West Croydon, Kilkenny and Findon.

The gazetted Stage 1 GPA comprises areas of two EPA Assessments and four site contamination audit reports (please see the GPA determination report for more information) where the auditors have either recommended a GPA or conditioned/recommended that groundwater is not to be extracted for any purpose. Copies of past reports, letters and community updates related to these investigations undertaken within the GPA area and previously provided to the community are available from Beverley and Woodville South assessment and Woodville Port Road assessment.

Stage 2 GPA - continued engagement from 29 November 2022 – end of January 2023

The EPA continued to engage with residents and landowners within the Stage 2 area comprising a portion of Seaton. Following this further engagement, the EPA wrote to residents and landowners within the Stage 2 area to advise that it will be proceeding with establishment of the Stage 2 GPA.

Information on other nearby GPAs and in the vicinity is also available from the EPA website.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Consultation has concluded

Please ask us a question and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Posting your question here allows other visitors to the site to view your question and our answer. If the question is private or identifies a property in any way, we will respond to you privately.

  • In regards to the proposed GPA area, including Seaton (my current suburb of residence) I wish to seek answers to several pressing questions relating to potential domestic soil contamination and the potential need to have soil testing done. 1) Do we know what substance/s are likely to be involved in the borewater contamination? And in particular, are they likely to still be present in residual amounts within domestic soil areas where borewater has been used, potentially causing future health issues? 2) Following on from question 1, ny partner and I are looking to move house, into an older property, with an approx move in date of around the beginning of September. The previous resident/owner has used borewater for an undetermined but likely extended period over time, in both the gardens and on the lawns. Would it be considered prudent to have the soil of various areas of the property tested for residue contamination before moving in? And before we consider growing edible plants/crops and keeping livestock such as chickens, in our garden? Any assistance and answers in regards to these questions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    SarahD87 asked almost 2 years ago


    Thank you for contacting the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). So that we can address your questions more thoroughly the EPA requests that you provide your current and potential future addresses. To ensure your privacy is maintained please email this information to and we will respond via return email.

    Many thanks,
