Do not use the bore water in this area
Groundwater (bore water) in this area should not be used for any purpose. Contaminants identified within the area, and include perchloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE) and its degradation products, dichloroethene (DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC). Additional chemicals of concern are heavy metals, cyanide and petroleum hydrocarbons.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons are extremely persistent in the environment and natural degradation is expected to take centuries worldwide. They are denser than water and leach through soil and groundwater. They are volatile, carcinogenic and present a potential risk to human health if groundwater is utilised for drinking, showering, washing, filling swimming pools, watering lawns or irrigation of edible produce.
Historical chemical use has resulted in site contamination that affects soils on the source sites, groundwater on the source sites, and groundwater offsite in a west to north-westerly direction. Accessing groundwater adjacent to the contamination can also draw the contaminants towards the site from which it is being pumped.