EPA has established a groundwater prohibition area
Following on from our community consultation the EPA has now established a groundwater prohibition area.
Under section 103S of the Environment Protection Act 1993, the EPA may prohibit or restrict the taking of groundwater if it may be harmful to human health or safety.
Before a final decision was made, the EPA consulted with the local community to provide information and seek feedback on the proposal (please see the community engagement report to the right of this screen).
The engagement process was effective in helping the EPA to understand issues that are important to the local community in regards to managing the legacy of contaminated groundwater. Many residents indicated that they think banning access to contaminated groundwater is a good idea, to prevent exposure to the chemicals of concern. A change in the depth of the proposed prohibition area occurred as a result the engagement program, enabling residents that access deeper uncontaminated groundwater to continue to do so.
This prohibition on the extraction of groundwater was published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 9 January 2018.