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Groundwater Prohibition Area in Edwardstown, South Australia (9 January 2018)

Animation video showing how past industrial wastes affected groundwater in Edwardstown and the demarcation of the groundwater prohibition area. More info - https://engage.epa.sa.gov.au/edwardstown-and-surrounding-areas

Groundwater Prohibition Area in Edwardstown, South Australia (9 January 2018)
Groundwater Prohibition Area in Edwardstown, South Australia (9 January 2018)
Animation video showing how past industrial wastes affected groundwater in Edwardstown and the demarcation of the groundwater prohibition area. More info - https://engage.epa.sa.gov.au/edwardstown-and-surrounding-areas
Groundwater in Edwardstown
Groundwater in Edwardstown
Animation of how past industrial wastes has affected groundwater in the area