Former Brompton Gasworks
The former Brompton Gasworks (the gasworks site) is a 5.8-hectare site on Chief Street, Brompton. In 2022, the owner of the site, Renewal SA, signed a Development Agreement with property developer MAB Corporation (MAB). Under this agreement, MAB is responsible for remediating the site and developing a residential and entertainment precinct.
Gasworks activities were undertaken at the site from 1863 to 1964, using a process known as coal carbonisation to generate power for large parts of Adelaide. The production of gas resulted in the generation of contaminated materials and wastes, which caused significant contamination at the site.
The former Brompton Gasworks (the gasworks site) is a 5.8-hectare site on Chief Street, Brompton. In 2022, the owner of the site, Renewal SA, signed a Development Agreement with property developer MAB Corporation (MAB). Under this agreement, MAB is responsible for remediating the site and developing a residential and entertainment precinct.
Gasworks activities were undertaken at the site from 1863 to 1964, using a process known as coal carbonisation to generate power for large parts of Adelaide. The production of gas resulted in the generation of contaminated materials and wastes, which caused significant contamination at the site.
Site remediation
In December 2022, the EPA entered into an Environment Performance Agreement (the Agreement) with Renewal SA and MAB for the gasworks site. The Agreement requires MAB to engage an EPA-accredited site contamination auditor to complete a site contamination audit. The auditor is overseeing and reviewing the assessment and remediation undertaken at the site to confirm that the remediation undertaken has made the land suitable for the proposed use.
The Agreement allows the EPA to maintain regulatory involvement in the assessment and remediation of site contamination at the site. It also requires MAB to submit a number of deliverables to the EPA, including the following documents:
- Revised site specific risk assessment
- Remediation options assessment
- Site remediation plan
- Community engagement plan
- Interim audit advice
- Quarterly progress reports.
The deliverable reports recorded in the EPA Public Register are available in the Reports library. Any additional reports will be added when they become available in the Public Register. Please contact the EPA Public Register administrator for a copy of the Agreement.The deliverables under the Agreement are intended to achieve the following:
- Confirm the nature and extent of site contamination
- Identify and assess any potential risks to human health and the environment
- Develop and execute a site remediation plan
- Validate the suitability of the site for the proposed land use
- Address any residual site contamination through the development of a site management plan as necessary
- Provide sufficient information to enable the auditor to prepare a site contamination audit report.
In August 2023, the auditor prepared interim audit advice which endorsed the remediation proposed in a site remediation plan. Following the EPA’s acceptance of the interim audit advice, remediation commenced at the site. Site remediation is being undertaken by MAB’s remediation contractor, Enviropacific.As of November 2024, the majority of the remediation described in the site remediation plan has been completed, with some remaining remediation to be undertaken.
Following the completion of remediation in line with the site remediation plan, a remediation validation report is to be prepared which details the results of the site validation works.
The final requirement of the Agreement is the completion of a site contamination audit report prepared by the site contamination auditor, that clearly provides the auditor’s opinion on the site’s suitability for the proposed use.
Roles and responsibilities
The EPA administers the Environment Protection Act 1993 and Environment Protection Regulations 2023. The Agreement is a regulatory tool under the Environment Protection Act 1993 which gives a framework for the activities that will be undertaken at the gasworks site.
The EPA is also responsible for the administration of the audit system.
More information about the role and function of the EPA can be found on our Environmental Info webpage.
MAB is responsible for ensuring the milestones set out in the Agreement are satisfied. MAB’s remediation contractor is implementing various environmental controls and monitoring activities at the site, as detailed in the site remediation plan. The site remediation plan and other management and monitoring plans are implemented to eliminate or prevent harm to human health and the environment. MAB provide progress and monitoring reports to the site contamination auditor and the EPA.
Further information about the gasworks remediation is available on the MAB website.
Site Contamination Auditor
Auditors are expert individuals accredited by the EPA who are subject to specific legislative obligations and guideline requirements. Auditors independently review the assessment and remediation carried out by others and provide their written opinions and determinations, including the preparation of a site contamination audit report.
Information about the audit system is available on the EPA website, and includes information regarding:
Environmental issues
If you would like information about site management and monitoring, or would like to discuss specific concerns about dust, noise or odour, please contact MAB on (08) 7095 8222 or via their online form.
To report an environmental or pollution incident to the EPA, please submit a form through our online portal Your EPA.
If you are affected by the odour, you can lodge odour reports through the EPA’s online odour diary.
For more information about the EPA’s regulation of odour, please visit our odour management webpage.
Further Information
For information about the remediation and development, please contact MAB on (08) 7095 8222 or via their online form.
For other enquiries:
Email –
Phone – (08) 8204 2004
Online form – Your EPA
Communication and Engagement
MAB is responsible for keeping the community and local stakeholders well informed of the remediation and redevelopment of the site. Information about the gasworks site remediation, frequently asked questions and regular community updates are available on the MAB website.
The Site contamination - guideline for communication and engagement details the expectations of the EPA when undertaking a communication and engagement program.
Environmental Site Assessment, February 2023 (89.3 MB) (pdf)
Interim Audit Advice, August 2023
Interim Audit Advice, August 2023 – Part 1 (2.33 MB) (pdf)
Soil Condition Report, December 2020 (117 MB) (pdf)
Site Specific Risk Assessment, May 2023 (92.5 MB) (pdf)
Remediation Options Assessment, May 2023 (74.8 MB) (pdf)
Site Remediation Plan, July 2023 (71.9 MB) (pdf)
Interim Audit Advice, August 2023 – Part 2 (Auditor's Summary Statement for Interim Audit Advice) (523 KB) (pdf)
Progress Update Report No. 1, December 2023 (6.39 MB) (pdf)