Kilburn Groundwater Prohibition Area
The EPA proposes to establish a groundwater prohibition area (GPA) in parts of Kilburn (please refer to the map).
Groundwater is water that is present underground within rocks or sediments and can be accessed by a bore with an outdoor pump. Most properties do not have access to groundwater.
The need to establish a GPA follows the completion of a site contamination audit, undertaken on behalf of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) in relation to the former Islington Railyards site. The audit report concluded that groundwater is contaminated with hexavalent chromium and trichloroethene (TCE) related to historical workshop activities. Based on the information reviewed, the EPA will take action necessary to prevent actual or potential harm to human health or safety.
The EPA proposes to gazette the groundwater prohibition on 22 May 2025. Once established, the taking of groundwater in the area to a depth of 30 metres below ground will be prohibited. After this date a maximum fine of $8,000 may be issued to persons using bore water at their property.
We invite you to provide feedback about this proposal by 2 May 2025, and we encourage groundwater users in the area to contact us for further information.
Email –
Phone – (08) 8429 7554
The EPA’s priority is to protect public health and safety through the establishment of a GPA. We will proceed to gazette the Kilburn GPA on 22 May 2025 if no new information relevant to the proposed boundary is received.
See DIT's fact sheet for information about the former Islington Railyards site, site contamination audit, and continued monitoring at the site. For more information, please contact DIT:
Web –
Email –
Phone – 1300 794 880