What is the best way to lodge an environmental report about the Neutrog facility?

    Please contact us via Your EPA and provide detailed information regarding the issue and conditions at the time.

    We also encourage community members to contact Neutrog directly, as this can reduce any delay in Neutrog becoming aware of complaints and can lead to faster resolution of an issue.

    How can I report odour impacts to the EPA?

    If you are experiencing odour impacts, please visit our odour management page for more information about our regulation of odour. Community members can lodge odour reports through our online reporting portal or by completing a hard copy of the odour diary and sending it to engage.epa@sa.gov.au.

    How can I report dust impacts to the EPA?

    If you are experiencing impacts, please visit our air quality page for more information about the regulation of dust. Community members can lodge reports of dust from EPA licensed sites via Your EPA and by providing detailed information regarding the issue and conditions at the time.

    What is the EPA doing to manage odour impacts from the Neutrog facility?

    We are aware of issues regarding odour generated by Neutrog’s facility affecting the local community. Our response has included extensive monitoring campaigns in the community and ongoing site inspections. In October 2023, we updated the conditions of Neutrog’s licence for implementation of the Staged Environment Improvement Program – Odour.

    Where can I find out more about Neutrog’s licence conditions?

    Neutrog is required to meet various conditions for its facility. The Neutrog licence is available on the EPA’s Public Register.