Woodville North Groundwater Prohibition Area

Consultation has concluded

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has engage with the community in relation to the proposal to establish a groundwater prohibition area (GPA).

The EPA has also undertaken environmental assessments in Woodville North, Pennington and Athol Park since 2018.

The GPA was established on 9 November 2023 which will prohibit the taking of groundwater in aquifers in parts of Woodville North, Pennington and Athol Park to a depth of 20 m below ground level.

The GPA has been published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 9 November 2023.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has engage with the community in relation to the proposal to establish a groundwater prohibition area (GPA).

The EPA has also undertaken environmental assessments in Woodville North, Pennington and Athol Park since 2018.

The GPA was established on 9 November 2023 which will prohibit the taking of groundwater in aquifers in parts of Woodville North, Pennington and Athol Park to a depth of 20 m below ground level.

The GPA has been published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 9 November 2023.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Consultation has concluded

Please ask us a question and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Posting your question here allows other visitors to the site to view your question and our answer. If the question is private or identifies a property in any way, we will respond to you privately.

  • Is rosewater prohibited?

    Jamie asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Jamie,

    There is currently no groundwater prohibition area (GPA) established in any parts of Rosewater. 

    If you would like me to provide you with any property specific advice, then please email the address of your property to: engage.epa@sa.gov.au.

    Many thanks,
