Lonsdale and Hallett Cove

Consultation has concluded

Lonsdale and Hallett Cove Aerial

On 7 December 2018, the EPA wrote to residents in portions of Hallett Cove and the Lonsdale industrial precinct to advise that it was commencing a dust study in the area. We invited residents to contact us and to be involved in a collaborative study to determine the location of dust monitors to be placed in the community. From July 2019 to September 2020 the EPA streamed live air quality data from the dust monitoring network, and developed the 'MAKE AN ONLINE DUST REPORT' below for residents to make a live dust incident report on our interactive community map.

On 7 December 2018, the EPA wrote to residents in portions of Hallett Cove and the Lonsdale industrial precinct to advise that it was commencing a dust study in the area. We invited residents to contact us and to be involved in a collaborative study to determine the location of dust monitors to be placed in the community. From July 2019 to September 2020 the EPA streamed live air quality data from the dust monitoring network, and developed the 'MAKE AN ONLINE DUST REPORT' below for residents to make a live dust incident report on our interactive community map.

Consultation has concluded

The aim of the dust study is to analyse the size of the particles and meteorological conditions to identify potential sources of dust being experienced by the community. On 19 June 2019 the EPA held its first community workshop to seek community input into the placement and hosting of 4 dust monitors, and sought volunteers willing to host a monitor at their home.

On 15 August 2019, the EPA installed 3 community based dust monitors and anemometers (which monitor the wind speed and direction) in volunteers’ backyards. The sites were chosen after the EPA identified potential locations based on their topography and proximity to the Lonsdale industrial precinct.

The final locations are:

1. Elizabeth Crescent

2. Cormorant Drive

3. Freebairn Drive.

A 4th monitor was installed on 23 September 2019 in the industrial area, as a control location.

Please see our community updates and presentations in the document library for further information.

  • Phone: (08) 8204 2004
  • Email
  • In person: 211 Victoria Square (please make an appointment for building access)

If you have any queries, or would like to participate in our next community workshop, please contact us.